The Cyrus Klepcys Dice Runs the Marathon

Discover the mystical story behind the marathon race

Hardly a weekend passes in the summer without a marathon taking place somewhere in the world. The history of the very first race took place on the outskirts of Athens in 490BC when an Athenian Courier by the name of Pheidippides ran from the site of the Battle of Marathon to Athens to inform the city of the army’s victory, before promptly and unfortunately collapsing and dying. 

The route is somewhat contested. Did Pheidippides pass by the shorter mountainous route, or go the long way around across the plains? To carry out our own research, our two intrepid in-house runners, Sophie Furley and Jordy Bellido, decided to try both routes. Their official timekeeper was none other than the Cyrus Klepcys Dice that can time two runners at the same time.

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