Three Fun Facts About Charles Dubouloz

Charles Dubouloz © Richard Mille
1 minute read
Richard Mille’s ambassador and first mountaineer

1. Making history

A rising star in French mountaineering, Charles Dubouloz is blazing new trails in the history of the sport with each of his feats. In January 2022, the mountain guide achieved a first that defied belief with a solo winter ascent of the “Rolling Stones” route on the north face of the Grandes Jorasses in the Mont-Blanc Massif. This crazy six-day expedition at -20°C earned him such recognition that he has since devoted himself to his passion.

2. Fear is his driving force

As he freely admits: “The day I stop being scared is the day I stop climbing!”, because it is adrenalin that connects him intensely to the present. A virtuoso of the peaks, Charles Dubouloz climbs with his guts, defying the steepest and most dangerous faces. In his quest to excel, he aims to take on new summits in Pakistan, as well as the “Alps trilogy” in France. The RM 67-02 Extra-Thin Automatic on his wrist will keep track of these intense moments, a watch born of extreme watchmaking that is all about creativity and high performance – just like its wearer!

3. Larger than life passion

Why such an irresistible passion for the mountains? This vast territory offers a field of expression “commensurate with my boundless energy”, explains the young 30-something from Annecy. A reality that explains his (not so) surprising sense of kinship with another member of the Richard Mille family, freediver Arnaud Jerald, with whom he feels “vertically aligned, each at the opposite end of the spectrum, in osmosis with the elements in their purest state”.

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